Welcome to Grace Montreal Church's website for Children's Ministry. This blog is to be a resource to the teachers for GMC Sunday school as well as for the parents of GMCKidz.

Currently, we are looking into how to best teach God's children through curricula. Please be praying for us during this discernment process.

We are always looking for more volunteers. Please keep this need in prayer, and read the information on the role on our blog to consider serving our community in this way!

Church website: gracemontreal.com

Please contact: Rebecca Hall - gmckidz@gmail.com

Letter to volunteers

Hey guys,

Thanks so much for your willingness to be involved at GMC in this way! I really appreciate the time and effort that you are willing to offer!

It turns out that I need another volunteer for this month's and the next one too! Is anyone available?

Also, I found last month's quite challenging for a number of reasons (tired babies and last minute rides, mostly) that I wanted to put more planning into it. Here's three things that apply to you guys:

1. If you could prepare one activity that will last about 15-30 minutes, get really excited about it, and teach/present it to the kids with enthusiasm, I think that will really help. I have to remind myself that if I'm not excited about it, the kids won't be and it doesn't make for a great time together.

Volunteer A - do you have a favourite kids book (like Goodnight moon, a Robert Munch, or any other) that you could practice reading for kids? If you have to buy it, I can reimburse you (that is if you don't want to keep it). Reading level = 5 yrs.

Volunteer B - can you plan a craft for the older kids (2-6.5 yrs)? I can buy the craft materials, or reimburse you through the church. I won't know how many kids are coming until days/hours before.

2. You will be picked up from Lionel Groulx at 9:30am Saturday March 27th (or the morning you volunetter) by one of the families. I will confirm that with you the night before.

3. Get to know the kids and parents personally, spend time talking to them and getting to know them - on Sundays. Church is about relationships which take time and effort. This way the kids are already comfortable with you and and trust you, and are looking forward to spending time with their 'friends'. And that way the parents know the care givers (interestes, skills, experience with kids) and there's a relationship.

For me:

1. I will ensure there are toys from the church and families with 1 yr olds.
2. I am going to get permission for us to go for a walk and families to bring strollers. I will have an outdoor game planned if we get permission.
3. I will have a few short movies, some music and a snack planned.
4. I will run through the schedule with the kids so they know what to expect and will get excited for the different parts.

Looking forward to doing child care with you!
